The FARS Relay
Volume 30, Number 9 - SEPTEMBER 2000
September Meeting
The September 22 Meeting will be Home-Brew Night as usual. The speakers
will be you. This is your chance to strut your stuff.
The contest is open to all who come. Non members can win a club membership;
Members can win cash prizes of 40, 30, 20, or 10 dollars.
Secretary's Report
September Board Meeting Minutes
The monthly FARS board meeting was held on the evening of September
5, 2000. The members present were Jack, WA6YJR, David, KD6WRG, Dick,
N6ATD, Omri, AA6TA, Herb, KF6BKL, Dirk, KE6ZUY, Steve, K6OIK, Shel, N6RD,
Mikel, KN6QI, and Martin, KD6WJW.
It was voted to move the club's monthly meeting to Wednesday evening.
This will begin in October on the fourth Wednesday, but will be on the
third Wednesdays in November and December because of holidays.
Nominees for next year's club officers were announced.
Other items under discussion included the future of the flea market
and possible involvement with schools and the Boy Scouts to encourage interest
in amateur radio.
- Martin, KD6WJW
President's Corner
There is a change coming in October. We will start meeting on the fourth
Wednesday of the month . We are making this change in hopes of being able
to attract more people to our meeting and especially young people. The
schedule for meetings for next year will be published in the October Relay.
One other change that will take place and this will happen at our next
meeting. We will start having the program portion of the meeting at the
beginning and the business will be held at the end of the meeting. So those
of you that come late please take note of the change.
The next meeting is home brew night so all you builders come with your
projects and be prepared to tell a little about your project.
A slate of officers and board members to be elected will be presented
at the October meeting. Nominations will be in order at this time from
the floor. We ask that if you are going to nominate someone that you have
asked him or her if they are willing to serve. The election will be held
at the November meeting.
The Boy Scout Jamboree is October 21 and 22 and we would like to have
some of you help work at the station on Sunday the 21st. This is one way
that we can start attracting young people into the hobby.
All Amateurs should take note: You are now required by the FCC to carry
out tests at your station for RF radiation and meet the FCC rules Which,
if you do not have them can be gotten from the ARRL Web site.
de Jack WA6YJR
FARS Board Candidates |
President: Jack, WA6YJR
Vice Pres.: Howard, KE6PWH
Secretary: Martin, KD6WJW
Treasurer: Shel, N6RD
Radio Officer: Omri, AA6TA
Training Officer: Open
| Newsletter: David, KD6WRG
Board Members:
Herb KF6BKL,
Michael KN6QI. |
Other candidates are most welcome,
especially since some of the club officers have been doing this
for a long time. Nobody's feelings will be hurt. |
President: Jack Eddy, WA6YJR
Vice President: Howard Califf, KE6PWH
Treasurer: Shel Edelman, N6RD
Secretary: Martin Liberman, KD6WJW
Training Officer: Steve Stearns, KF6OIK/AE
Radio Officer: Omri Serlin, AA6TA
Newsletter: David Wilkes, KD6WRG (See address below)
Board members: Dirk Thiele KE6ZUY, Dick Baldwinson N6ATD; Herb Davidson
KF6BKL, Omri Serlin AA6TA, Larry Moore KM6IU, Charles Arney KF6CUU.
K6YA Station Trustee: Stan Kuhl, K6MA
FARS Web Page:
FARS announcement mailing list is moderated, so you cannot reply directly
to the list.
Also, note you can contact the FARS board of directors at
To subscribe/unsubscribe, send a message to:
In the e-mail message (in plain text) put one of:
unsubscribe fars-announce YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS
subscribe fars-announce YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS
(eg. Subscribe fars-announce
The FARS Relay is the official monthly newsletter of the Foothills Amateur
Radio Society Meetings are held at 7 PM on the fourth Friday of each month
except January (Winter Banquet); and 3rd Friday in June, Nov. & Dec.
Annual membership $20; family $25. Visitors are always welcome! Directions
on the back page. Talk-in: N6NFI (145.23-, 100Hz) or W6ASH repeater (145.27
or 224.36). Contributions to the newsletter from members, family, and guests
are earnestly solicited! Contributions subject to editing and/or compression.
ASCII files via packet, Internet or diskettes preferred; but all readable
forms welcome. Here is how to reach the editor:
VHF voice: KD6WRG on N6NFI, 145.23- (100Hz PL) FARS net Thursdays 8
PM; Various other times. Mail: 1093 Kelly Drive San Jose CA 95129-3222
Voice: 408-996-1613 (Until 9 PM); Fax: 408-725-1036, and at FARS meetings.
FARS Winter banquet January 19, 2001 at Michael's
Livermore Swap Meet - 1st Sunday of each month at Las Positas
College in Livermore, 7:00 AM to noon, all year. Talk in 147.045 from the
west, 145.35 from the east. Contact Noel Anklam, KC6QZK, (510) 447-3857
Foothill Flea Market - 2nd Saturday of each month from March
to October at Foothill College, Los Altos Hills.
FARS NET on 145.23 repeater Thursday nights at 8 PM.
Electronics Online
In researching the finer points of coils and inductors, I found these sites
to be quite good. The author is a Ph.D. in magnetics and a specialist in
maglev technology.
If you're not interested in coils today, here is a good page of
electronics links, which together constitutes a very complete electronics
course. If you read them all, you'll qualify as an RF design engineer.
Be sure to jump up one level and browse the home site too
Paul Nahin, The Science of Radio, Springer Verlag, 1996, 336 pp., ISBN
1563963477, softcover, $24 Amazon.
I recommend this book highly. It is a very good summary of the history
of radio written by an engineering professor. Plenty of math sprinkled
throughout the text. Nahin covers Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz, Marconi, Popov,
spark gap transmitters, antennas, vacuum tubes, patent wars, causal networks,
Fourier and Hilbert transforms, single sideband, the golden age of radio,
comparison of rates of consumer purchase/ownership (market penetration
rates) of radio vs telephone vs electric light vs television (radio beat
them all). Nahin predicts that when the current wireless revolution is
over, the singular event of the 19th century will be commonly held to be
Maxwell's unraveling of electromagnetics, overshadowing the U. S. Civil
War. Fascinating.
Lead Solder
For both political and economic reasons, the electronics manufacturing
industry has come to a consensus view that the ultimate abandonment of
tin-lead solders is inevitable. Organizations in the U.S. and the rest
of the world which are concerned about the impact of lead on health and
the environment have already sponsored legislation that will lead to a
sharp decline in the use of lead-based solders.
For the full story, see
Steve, K6OIK
Amateur Radio Newsline
Ham Radio Politics: IARU meets in Darwin, Australia Region 3 of the International
Amateur Radio Union has concluded its long awaited meeting in Darwin, Australia.
And while Region 3 encompasses Australia, New Zealand and the rest of Asia,
decisions made there may impact on hams worldwide. From Brisbane, Australia
Q-News Graham Kemp, VK4BB, has this in depth look at what was discussed
and what was accomplished at this gathering:
The IARU Region 3 Conference being held in Darwin considered a wide
range of issues and many of them were concerned with protecting and furthering
the cause of Amateur Radio within the region and globally.
Lets run down, again a little further the details of this conference.
The conference chairman and WIA President Peter Nash, VK2BPN commented
on the positive approach taken during the week long conference when he
said it clearly should the IARU Region 3 spoke with a single voice.
However, things are a little different with the morse vote. The conference
resolved to support lowering the Amateur License Morse Code test speed
as a temporary measure and the ultimate removal of Morse Code being an
ITU License requirement. The ARRL voted against and Hong Kong abstained.
Also related to ITU RR S25 was another motion in which the conference
addressed concern a preliminary draft recommendation the WRC03. That being
8A temp 91E. This includes reference to radio telegraphy under a list of
operating skills for the Amateur license.
The concern expressed by delegates was that operating skills could be
misunderstood. And in fact had been wrongly seen by some in the Amateur
Radio Fraternity as indicating the retention of a Morse Code telegraphy
skill. Delegates heard that in ITU terminology, Radio Telegraphy meant
all digital modes of transmission.
In a motion proposed RSGB, seconded ARRL, the conference resolved to
instruct the IARU Region 3 Representatives on the IARU Administrative Counsel
to replace the terms operating skills with methods of communications.
The conference also noted crowding in the 80 meter band being experienced
particularly in countries with narrow allocations. And reaffirmed the IARU
objective of obtaining exclusive world wide 7 MHz allocation of no less
then 300 kHz. This was reaffirmed.
The conference instructed the directors if IARU Region 3 to treat achievement
of this as a matter of the highest priority and member societies in the
region have been urged to do all they can in support.
The emergency and disaster communications traditionally provided by
the Amateur Service is set to be strengthened as a result of the conference.
They recommended the establishment of a regional committee for disaster
communications. It will seek to appoint Disaster Communications Coordinators
within Region 3.
The Conference also gave its support seeking a band allocation in the
vicinity of 5 MHZ. And to consider defining HF band segments, not the 10,
18, or 24 MHz, for use during international disaster emergency communications.
It was noted that IARU Region 2 had already defined such segments in its
band plans.
Among other resolutions were those related to harmonization of licensing
in IARU Region 3, monitoring of interference from non Amateur transmissions
to Amateur Satellites, Internet based Amateur license education and on
demand computerized license testing.
The seeking of an Amateur allocation for a low frequency band, either
165 to 190 or 135.7 to 137.8. And one of the final matters decided at the
conference was the election of the IARU Region 3 Directors for the next
3 years. And they include Fred Johnson, ZL1AMJ as Chairman, and Peter Nash,
VK2BPN. (Q-News)
Restructuring: 5 words per minute code for full HF access now in effect
Ham Radio in space: ISS Ham Station poised for launch Manned ham radio
is poised to go back into space. This as NASA prepares to launch the first
gear that will become part of the International Space Station ham radio
station. Roy Neal, K6DUE, has the details:
The Space Shuttle Atlantis carries the key that will open the door to
human space flight on the International Space Station. Its seven member
crew will prepare the ISS for its first residents. They will begin outfitting
the Zvezda, the Service Module that will provide living quarters for the
first teams of astronauts and cosmonauts.
Atlantis carries more than 5 thousand pounds of hardware and one of
the major items is the first ISS amateur radio station. The STS-106 crew
will not fire it up. Instead it will be stored in the Zarya, called the
FGB module, awaiting arrival next month of the Expedition one crew.
Astronaut William Shepherd will command that crew, all licensed amateurs.
Cosmonauts Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei Krikalev will round out the team. They
plan to spend four months in orbit, ushering in the new era of permanent
human presence in space.
Initially they will operate only voice and packet. Later plans call
for amateur TV, slow scan and ATV, a digipeater and relay stations. Frequencies
and operating plans, including callsigns, will be announced well in advance
of their use.
A new, international organization called ARISS amateur radio international
space station was formed to design and develop ham gear for the station
and training the crews to operate it. It truly is an international operation.
The United States Space Administration and Russia's Energia have signed
agreements, outlining the installation and use of amateur radio on the
station. A technical team, ISS HAM, was formed as an interface to support
hardware development, crew training and on-orbit operations.
The United States has provided hand held equipment for 2 meters and
70 centimeters. The Russians have provided ports so that antennas can be
mounted outside the Service Module. An Italian team designed and built
the antennas and a German team built sophisticated repeater stations that
will allow crews to make daily reports on their activities, while also
improving the quality of contacts with the men and women aboard the station.
US and Russian teams have trained the astronauts and cosmonauts in operating
the equipment.
ARISS Amateur Radio aboard the International Space Station has a bright
future. More than a million and a half licensed hams worldwide will share
in the fun of living and working in space. (ARISS, K6DUE)
Enforcement: Beverly Hills PD denies using Ham frequencies for routine
business A spokesman for the Beverly Hills Police Department says that
the agency is not using Amateur Radio to conduct routine business. And
Detective Richard Schwab also says that the department has not attempted
to place any frequencies or repeaters off limits to other hams.
Schwab, who holds the callsign N6BBW, tells Newsline that the first
inkling that anything was wrong came when another Beverly Hills police
officer received a letter of inquiry from the FCC. That letter dated August
14th was addressed to Ronald Derderian, KB6VTN. It cited monitoring information
indicating that Derderian may have attempted to restrict the use of a repeater
frequency while running a Beverly Hills Police Department Disaster Communications
System net on the N6CBW repeater.
But Schwab says that the net and the repeater were no more restricted
than any other directed net that one finds on the HF or VHF bands. He says
that the term restricted means only that during the net the frequency was
to be maintained for net operation and not available for open QSOs. But
the repeater was and continues to be open to real life emergency situations
during the scheduled drills.
And regarding the charge that the department is using ham frequencies
for official business. To this Schwab says that the Beverly Hills Police
Department has one of the most advanced tactical communications systems
in the nation. As such they have no need for any routine communications
in the ham radio bands. Schwab says that the department has already been
in contact with the FCC to explain their side of the situation. Also that
a formal written response will be filed shortly. Meantime, Schwab invites
any Los Angeles area hams who are interested in joining the group to contact
him at his callbook address. He says that the net is made up from citizens
from all walks of life and it is not limited to those carrying a badge.
VHF: New 2 Meter Bulletin Service G0NFA in the U.K. has sent in details
of the new 144 MHZ News Bulletin which is available on the Internet. The
144 MHZ News Bulletin gives information on current and forthcoming 2 meter
expeditions and other news relating to the band. Derek says that the service
has now active for about twelve weeks and is gaining in popularity. The
bulletin itself can be read at: (RSGB)
VHF: N0LL beacon changes frequency Closer to home, Larry Lambert, N0LL,
says that as of August 30 his N0LL/B 2 meter beacon has changed its frequency.
Listen for it on 144.289 MHZ and zero beat it with the 600 Hz sidetone
at 144.288.4 MHZ. Larry adds that the operating frequency is the only change
to the system. It still runs 13 watts into a pair of omni antennas. Larry's
e-mail address is:
(VHF Reflector)
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Internet - Firewalls - E-Mail - UNIX
Bridging the gap - Your net -> Internet
Owen DeLong
3251 Firth Way, San Jose, CA 95121
408-322-3741 - Fax: 408-532-9362
Email: Owen@DeLong.COM
Emergency Comms: Napa Earthquake
Ham radio sprang into action on Sunday, September 3rd. This after a 5.2
magnitude earthquake jolted the heart of Northern California's wine country
injuring more than 25 people, knocking out windows, breaking gas and water
mains, and shutting down power to about half of Napa county.
According to the United States Geological Survey in Menlo Park the quake
hit at 1:36 AM about 6 miles northwest of Napa and 6 miles northeast of
Sonoma, near the small town of Yountville. The shaking woke people as far
south as San Francisco, some 50 miles away. While there was no total loss
of telephone or cellular service, some parts of the county did lose electrical
power. About 6,000 families were still without power three hours after
the quake. According to news reports, radio amateurs and other volunteers
provided supplemental communications to post quake damage survey crews
and other agencies.
(Newsline from area news reports)
How to get to meetings:
(Visitors always welcome)
FARS meets at the Covington School District building, 201 Covington
Road, Los Altos. Take the El Monte exit (The same exit as for the Foothill
Fleamarket) off of I-280 and go East on El Monte. Cross Foothill Expressway
and turn right at the next light on to Covington (Note Saint William church
on corner). Stay to your left as the road forks. Just past the fork, turn
left into the school parking lot. Walk through the center hallway and turn
right. The meeting room is the first door on the left. Talk in on 145.23
or 145.27, negative offset, 100 PL.