FARS - General Class Amateur Radio License Course

Dear Students,

This page provides a course syllabus showing what is being taught on each class date. Use this as your guide on where you should be in the reading. Also, you may want to bring a copy of each presentation with you to the class session to help you follow along. We plan to put each of the presentations on-line a few days before it is presented.

This page contains resources for presenting a course on the General Class Amateur Radio License. There are 9 hours of training material here to be used to teach teach the course presented by FARS in the spring of 2012. Also included is a course syllabus and some guidance on taking the General Class License Examination.

We make this material available to other non-profit amateur radio groups to use to put on similar courses, but we ask that credit be given to FARS for developing these presentations. Please include a link to this page http://k6ya.org/classes/class2012.

romotional PDF flyer and sign-up form for the Spring 2012 FARS General Class.

Questions to: kn6qi AT arrl.net.

The following syllabus is subect to change.

Date Session Title Chapter Instructor Updated
April 26th Session 1 Introduction / Strategies / Motivation 1 Mikel Lechner KN6QI 05/03/12

Session 2 Procedures and Practices 2 Rick Huisman N6DQ 05/03/12
May 3rd Session 1 Rules and Regulations 3 Paul Zander AA6PZ

Session 2 Components and Circuits - pt 1 4 Kristen McIntyre K6WX 05/05/12
May 10th Special Session Math for Electronics - pt 1
Mikel Lechner KN6QI 05/11/12

Session 1 Components and Circuits - pt 2 4 Peter Chow AF6DS 05/05/12

Session 2 Radio Signals & Equipment 5 Steve Stearns K6OIK 05/11/12
May 17th Special Session Block Diagrams, Math, and other Questions
Mikel Lechner KN6QI

Session 1 Antennae and Feedlines 6 Mikel Lechner KN6QI 5/17/12

Session 2 Propagation + CW 7 Kristen McIntyre K6WX 5/17/12
May 24th Session 1 Electrical and RF Safety 8 Steve Stearns K6OIK 5/25/12

Session 2 After Your License / Wrap Up
May 31st TEST !!

Session 1 starts at 7pm; Session 2 starts at 8pm. The special session was held at 6:30pm.

The 2012 presentations have been updated to reflect changes in the question pool for the General Class License Examination, so they will be somewhat different from the 2011 versions.

Class of 2012 - FARS General Class License Course

The students of the 2012 FARS General Class License Course (top to bottom): Jose, Sheryl, Dan, Margaret, Janis, Robert, Peter, Daniel, James, Grace, Joseph, Srikant, and Ken.

We had a total of nineteen students in the class, fourteen who took the test on exam night. Twelve who passed that evening.

Online Test Resources

Where to get Tested Ahead of Time

ARRL Bandplan Chart

Students should acquire a copy of the textbook for the class: The ARRL General Class License Manual 9th Edition ($33) - available from HRO (Oakland) or ARRL (shipped).

Register on-line or Sign up by US mail.

Additional information and links for sign-up.

de Mikel, KN6QI filling in for our regular training officer Kevin, K6XXX.